the ninenteen century
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB): Ophelia and her inspiring model Lizzy.
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) was a group of seven young male art students who first came together to present a unified challenge to British art in September 1848 at the London home of John Everett Millais (1829-96)........ (***)

MONET - WaterPainting and so on.
In the summer of 1869 Monet hire a little place in a hamlet called Saint Michelle near Bougival on the bank of the river Seine in a place that became known as the cradle of the Impressionism and here together with his friend and fellow painter Renoir they forged or began to forge a style that later challenged all the established conventions of painting. (**)

RENOIR - The Umbrellas -changing your mind-
Renoir's painting “The Umbrellas” is one of the National Gallery's most famous works and yet, on
close examination, there is something odd about this most famous of picture.
The figure on the left carrying a hat box has firmly drawn outlines compared to the little girl, who is painted in a recognisably Impressionist style which we might describe as feathery.

Monet a L'Olangery (Not) Running late
Offered to the French State by the painter Claude Monet (...) as a symbol for peace, the Water Lilies are installed according to plan at the Orangerie Museum in 1927, a few months after his death.
This unique set, a true "Sixtine of Impressionism", in the words of André Masson in 1952, testifies to Monet’s later work. (****)
Van Gogh in his own words
Van Gogh tale is unique in the history of humankind and belongs strictly to him and to him alone. No many other artists in the world were so rejected during their life as much as he was loved after his death.
"Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and grey..........................................."(5*)
(*) From “Picasso” - Simon Schama's Power of Art BBC Ed.
(**) From The Impressionist with Tim Marlow – Seventh Art Production(*) DVD
(***) From Pre-Raphaelite – Jason Rosenfeld – Tate Publishing – 2012
(****) From http://www.musee-orangerie.fr/en/article/history-water-lilies-cycle
(5*) Image from "Loving Vincent" a film by Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman 2017 UK-Poland