Paolo Uccello - The Battle of San Romano: lack of sky and ghost perspective
The Battle of S. Romano is a set of three panels celebrating three different moments of the battle the Florentine forces won against the Siena forces in 1432 on S. Romano field.
The panels are now separated and are in three different museums: The National Gallery in London, The Uffizi in Florence and The Louvre in Paris.
It is quite unusual that we cannot see the sky in any panel, making the scenes quite dark and flat.
......To make an ordered space, Paolo Uccello utilized what we now call a “ghost pavement”.............

Antonello da Messina and the Portrait painting
During the Renaissance in Western Art portrait painting acquired a new level in the history of Art.
The combined and interacted influence of Florentine, North Italian and Flemish Art took painting to a point where emotional, more than celebrative portraits, became the logical consequence.

Raphael - Pope Julius: Fragility and Energy.......
In order to glorify Rome (and no doubt himself too), Pope Julius II transformed the Vatican and St Peter's basilica, commissioning new buildings and decorative schemes including Michelangelo's Sistin Chapel ceiling.
He asked Raphael to make this portrait of him in 1511 and he was, no doubt, closely involved in its design.
Background: Details from Piero della Francesca - Polittico di sant'Antonio - Perugia 1460/70
(*) Image from “Horrible History” - BBC Ed. (see Lesson)