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Charles Rennie Mackintosh - The Glasgow's Treasure

Design, Graphic, Architecture:

Charles Rennie Mackintosh in and out the Glasgow school of art:

Happiness and tragedy

G as Genius G as Gaudi

"........the legend of Antoni Gaudi, whose buildings have left an indelible mark on the city of Barcelona. Despite his austerely religious lifestyle, Gaudi's innovative genius created some of the most soulful and expressive buildings ever seen."(**)

Le Corbusier - Les Cinq: Les Ville Savoye

Le Corbusier, by the mid-1920, set down the principals of a new type of modern architecture:

the Functionalism was born.  Architecture now is adapting its features to the inhabitants' way of life.

Ville Savoye is the symbol of this new way of design.....

Frank Lloyd Wright: Organic America

Always trying to harmonize nature environment and living environment, Wright invented American Architecture..........

The Organic American Architecture.

Frank Ghery: The Doodled Genius

He'd work on his ideas for hours, sketching, modifying and thinking,  sketching, modifying and thinking, sketching, modifying and thinking, .................`till he'd get to a point, look at his drawing and say:

"Well.................... It's no so bad ..............."

Sustainability and Sustainable Architecture

.............Sustainable Design is designing a building in a way that really reduces its ecological footprint...........

(Steve Glenn, CEO of LivingHomes)

Sustainable Architecture: London Olympics' Park 2012 – Zaha Hadid, Hopkins, Kapoor, etc.........

It was the first Sustainable Olympic games ever.

It was the first time the Social Economic and Green aspects were

considered in planning the world largest sporting event in 2012............

Norman Foster: Devastation is not allowed

Creating a World of Architecture.......................

We start analyzing The Millennium Bridge in London ........and keep going everywhere else

Mark Newson: One of the happiest designer of the Planet (***)

Objects of desire: ".......I always wanted to address mass production.........the ultimate goal for a designer.......I think."   M.N.(***)

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Background's Arch. Frank Gehry - The Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California - 2003

(**) From Antoni Gaudi: God's Architect - Robert Hughes BBC4

(***) From The Genius of Design - BBC - Acorn Media UK DVD.

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